Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are you multi-lingual?


Alright, I'll settle down.  If you are one of "those" talented folks who can converse in another language, congrats to you.  Me, I have a dictionary of various words from various languages AND I can't put a friggen sentence together.  I have learned non-English words from growing up, classes in high school and college, and from non-American friends.  Yup, I have non-American friends!  My problem is that I often intertwine the wrong language or confuse them.  How useless am I?  Very useless.  It's like stuff taking up space in my brain that can be used to retain other useless information.

While I have no claims to be well versed in another language...wait, I am!  Oye, I forgot.  So I claim English (of course) and I will also claim English-creole.  Hehehehe!  That's is what we people in the know call Pidgeon English.  If you don't know...oh well!

So back to the intent of this rant, I often question why people speak English and suddenly inject a non-English word.  For instance:

The makani feels good.  The wind feels good.
Can you pass me the hashi.  Can you pass me the chopsticks.

Do you think this makes you appear smart?  Uh, no!  Pick one language and stick to it!

WTF...I'm just sayin'

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